SSNCI 2011 Conference – Irish Elites in the Nineteenth Century

First Call for Papers – 

SSNCI 2011 – CFP[1]

17th International Conference of the SSNCI

 Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool

 30 June – 01 July, 2011

 This conference seeks to redefine the concepts of elites and elitism in nineteenth-century Ireland. Issues such as social stratification and the distribution of power in Irish society have often been overlooked by nineteenth-century scholars, or discussed narrowly in relation to political history. Power, wealth, and influence were distributed in myriad ways in the nineteenth century, and often through localised elites or social networks. County clubs, old school networks, and voluntary and charitable organisations appeared throughout the century, vying for the attention of the established elite and the rising middle classes alongside political parties, freemasonry and sports and social clubs. Aspirational behaviour was evident at many levels of society and affected Irish men and women of all religious backgrounds. Conference papers will address the theme of elitism in Ireland with the widest possible interpretation of the term, and with a focus on the local, practical applications of power and influence.

More information available at the conference website:

Convenors: Ciaran O’Neill (Hertford College, Oxford) and James H. Murphy (DePaul University, Chicago)

 The convenors welcome both individual proposals and suggestions for panels on additional themes. Please send your proposals as attachments to by 31 January 2011.

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